Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation of Offshore Wind Sites
CSS supported developing a comprehensive seafloor characterization in support of a $3 billion offshore wind energy project in the coastal waters of New York.

Seafloor Substrate Mapping and Model Validation of offshore wind sites.
CSS supported NOAA, NCCOS and BOEM developing a comprehensive seafloor characterization in support of a $3 billion offshore wind energy project in the coastal waters of New York, covering nearly 800,000 acres. The assessment provides baseline habitat and geologic information within the New York Wind Energy Area and the New York Bight region to evaluate the potential impacts and identify additional potential wind energy sites in the region. The final report includes a complete analysis of hardbottom predictions, habitat, and sediment texture.
Additional Projects

Pacific Ecological Services Division Project (PESD)
Since 1996 CSS has conducted field and lab-based research in support of the Pacific Ecological Services Division Project

Real-time HABs Detection and Modeling
We develop and deploy the sensors and monitor in real-time, HABs activities to support immediate response.

Cyber Security
CSS develops and implements security programs that continuously meet rigorous security compliance requirements on behalf of its customers.

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