Quick Response Guides for Emergency Response
CSS prepares tactical, field, and quick response guides used by EPA OSCs and other first responders to address a wide range of contaminants.
Protecting First Responders and On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) with Targeted Guidance on Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Risks
CSS prepares tactical, field, and quick response guides used by EPA OSCs and other first responders to address a wide range of contaminants. The 40+ guides prepared since 2007 provide detailed information on personal protective equipment, field methods and procedures, and testing and decontamination equipment. To prepare and update the guides, we work closely with EPA’s Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Working Groups and experts from other federal agencies and academic institutions. We search available scientific literature, draft documents, incorporate comments, and produce the final guides in hard copy and electronic formats. As new information becomes available, we prepare updates.
Additional Projects
Real-time HABs Detection and Modeling
We develop and deploy the sensors and monitor in real-time, HABs activities to support immediate response.
Managed Desktop Services
CSS designed, implemented, and provides ongoing support of a complex virtual desktop and server infrastructure for Space Florida.
Industrial Hygiene Services for the Army Public Health Command (APHC)
CSS served as the prime contractor performing facility-wide industrial hygiene (IH) surveys and assessments at 16 CONUS and 8 OCONUS Army installations for FY2016. We scheduled and executed surveys using teams of IH professionals for large-scale (NTE 200 shops surveys, 400 ventilation evaluations, 100 sound level measurements, and 100 noise dosimetry measurements per Army installation)…
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Contact us to learn more about our projects, capabilities, solutions, and service offerings.